Grace Counseling

Grace Counseling
Connect with borrowers about the repayment process to launch a successful financial future.
Grace CounselingGrace Counseling Mobile
Through Grace Counseling Outreach, we connect with students during the critical grace period, educating them on repayment and their options. Reaching out to students no longer enrolled at least half-time helps solve potential issues and keeps your cohort default rate intact.
First we make contact
  • Using a proprietary strategy, our highly trained counselors (including bi-lingual) conduct outreach to the borrower within a 45-day period.
  • If the borrower is difficult to locate, we conduct extensive skip-tracing strategies to obtain viable contact information.
We provide advice and counsel
  • Once contact is made, we educate them about the repayment process.
  • Direction on their repayment options.
  • Knowledge of their rights and responsibilities.
  • Answers to their repayment questions.
  • Access to web resources including Federal Student Aid and Inceptia’s comprehensive Student Knowledge HQ
  • A toll-free number as a lifeline for future questions.
Quality and Security

The security of all data and the privacy of the student borrowers are protected to the utmost.

  • All contacts and communication monitored for accuracy, service and compliance.
  • Secure website for uploading data and reviewing reports
  • Secure website for uploading data and reviewing reports
  • TECH LOCK® Certified Service Provider, now part of Clearwater: Certified Service Provider, a nationally recognized data and security certification


Talk to us

We'd love to answer any questions you may have and provide assistance with a demo or other information.

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