Webinar What's Coming Soon in Financial Avenue Recorded on: Announcement – June 22, 2022; Update – July 21, 2022 Duration: One Hour Cost: FREE Speaker: Carissa Uhlman If you would like to request the webinar recap and supporting documentation, please complete the form on this page. We are pleased to share exciting new changes to Financial Avenue, coming this summer! As we continue our mission to move financial education forward, we are partnering with Canvas to deliver an improved Financial Avenue student experience. Being the #1 LMS in higher education, you may already be familiar with some of the outstanding Canvas features, like single sign-on and an app to name a couple! We’ll continue to offer many of the great features you enjoy, including pre- and post-course tests, co-branding, marketing and educator toolkits, and 24/7 reporting capabilities. We are already in the process of migrating our courses into the new platform and will be discussing the rollout plan and what that means to you. We look forward to sharing the dynamic enhancements that will continue to make Financial Avenue the premier financial education program for students! Request Resources Please fill out the form and check the resources that you would like to receive from the “What's Coming Soon in Financial Avenue” webinar. Announcement Recording 6.22.22 Announcement Recap 6.22.22 Update Recording 7.21.22 Update Recap 7.21.22 Student Course Completion Communication Full Name* Title* Organization/Institution* Email Address* Phone NumberView Inceptia's full privacy statement.CAPTCHA Find my representative