Webinar Transfer Students: Building a Strong Pipeline from Community Colleges to 4-Year Institutions – The role of financial aid. Recorded on: Tuesday, May 18, 2021 Duration: One hour Cost: FREE Speakers: Shannon Jones: AVP, Business Development Michelle Greco: Director of Enrollment Management, Delgado Community College Bradley Meyers: Assistant Director Financial Aid & Scholarships, Office of Enrollment Management, Louisiana State University-System Office Dick Smelser, Director of Financial Aid, Pellissippi State Community College Celena Tulloss, Senior Associate Director, Financial Aid, The University of Tennessee If you would like to request the webinar recap and supporting documentation, please complete the form on this page. Community College transfer pathways are becoming more critical in order for community college enrollments to increase. This session discusses the importance of student pathways and how financial aid offices at two- and four-year schools work together to deliver more opportunities for college students. Request Resources Please fill out the form and check the resources that you would like to receive from the “Transfer Students: Building a Strong Pipeline from Community Colleges to 4-Year Institutions – The role of financial aid.” webinar. Webinar Recording Webinar Recap Certificate of Completion Full Name* Title* Organization/Institution* Email Address* Phone NumberView Inceptia's full privacy statement.CAPTCHA Find my representative