Verification Gateway Value Insight Tools

Verification Gateway improves the student and parent experience with an easy-to-use application process that offers schools a means to award students faster; reduce compliance risk and incoming call volume; and increase efficiency. Use this analyzer to evaluate your school's potential and service level.

Student Outreach Mobile

Adjust the sliders based on your school’s estimates to see the value Verification Gateway can provide.

Verification Gateway (full service)


Inceptia's Unique Value Proposition

Number of completed verifications:


Current cost per verification:


Inceptia's cost per verification:


School's current melt per academic year:


School's verification opportunity:


Inceptia's average reduction in melt:


Inceptia's increased verification opportunity:


School's current total cost for verification per academic year:


Inceptia's estimated cost per academic year:


Inceptia's cost for student/parent contact center support:

(vital value-add for future)

Put Inceptia's Verification Gateway to Work for you Today

An intuitive and easy process to manage verification can increase your completion rates, reduce the stress on your team and help you package aid faster. With Verification Gateway, the value returned far exceeds the investment.

Download your results to share with your team and contact us today to take the next steps.

Contact Inceptia