Webinar What We (and our Students) Should Know About the Gender Wage Gap Recorded on: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 Duration: One Hour Cost: FREE Speaker: Carissa Uhlman If you would like to request the webinar recap and supporting documentation, please complete the form on this page. Did you know that in America, women make $.82 for every dollar that a man makes? For BIPOCwomen, those amounts are even less, with Latina women experiencing the largest wage disparity at $.55 to every dollar. The pandemic has further compounded the issue, with women disproportionately impacted by job loss that resulted in $800 billion in lost income. So what can we do about it? This session will explore the root causes of the gender wage gap, the downstream effects on society and our economy, and how we can educate ALL students to take action to combat gender disparity. Request Resources Please fill out the form and check the resources that you would like to receive from the “What We (and our Students) Should Know About the Gender Wage Gap” webinar. Webinar Recording Webinar Recap Certificate of Completion Full Name* Title* Organization/Institution* Email Address* Phone NumberView Inceptia's full privacy statement.CAPTCHA Find my representative