Verification Gateway for Students

Verification Gateway
Students & Parents
Schools partner with Inceptia to make the federal financial aid verification process easier for students and parents.
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After completing the FAFSA, about one-third of students are randomly selected to provide additional information to the U.S. Department of Education before they receive their financial aid package.
You have taken a big first step in pursuing your educational goals and we commend you for completing the FAFSA! We know it can sometimes seem intimidating or complicated, but the federal financial aid process revolves around that one action of completing your FAFSA – and you’ve done that! Go you! Now that the hard part is done, you just need to submit a bit more information and we’re here to help.
Why do I have to do this?
Your FAFSA was selected by the Department of Education (ED) for a review process called verification. This is not uncommon and it’s not a bad thing – the ED just wants to make sure your FAFSA information is correct before federal financial aid is awarded. You will only need to verify your information once this academic year. Watch the video to learn more.
Who is Inceptia?
Your school has partnered with us, Inceptia, a nonprofit organization, to help you complete verification in stride with a solution called Verification Gateway. This is important: it's your responsibility to act quickly to provide all the items your school has requested. Until verification is complete, your school can't finalize your aid package, meaning you could miss out on money if you delay.
What do I need to do?
The process is simple and easy to complete. Remember, your school cannot complete your federal financial aid until all verification is complete. Here’s how it works:
Complete your verification with Verification Gateway
Locked Computer
If you are selected for verification, you'll receive an email from Verification Gateway with a personalized URL or you can search "Find My School" on this page to get started.
Answer a few questions to create your secure account.
Complete the items on your TaskList with requested documentation.
E-sign your account to complete verification. We can't finish without signatures!
Remember... it's your responsibility and your financial aid cannot be processed until you complete verification.
How long does it take?
After you sign your account, it takes approximately seven business days to review and process. Sometimes more information is required, or corrections need to be made to a FAFSA, and it may take a little longer than seven business days, but don’t worry, we’ll help you through it. You can always check the status of your account by logging into Verification Gateway.
Why do I have to sign my VG account AGAIN?
We know it seems redundant, but the Department of Education is a stickler for rules and wants to know that you have verified each update. Thus, each time you upload a new document or change your information, resigning your VG account serves as your pledge that you are uploading new information that is accurate and truthful.
Do my parents have to complete verification too?
If you are a dependent student, your parent will need to follow the same steps outlined above, creating a separate account. They will receive notification too.
How much federal financial aid will I get and when?
After your FAFSA has been verified, we will let your school know. It is then up to your school to notify you of your federal financial aid eligibility.
How do I prepare for next year?
Don’t wait! The next aid year is right around the corner. You can start your FAFSA October 1 for the upcoming aid year. Doing your FAFSA right away helps ensure you get the most out of your federal financial aid and, if you get chosen for verification again, you’ll have more time to complete it and stay on track.
We’re here for you!
If you get stuck and have questions, email or call Verification Gateway Customer Service 877.395.1050 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (CT) Monday - Friday Inceptia, a division of National Student Loan Program (NSLP), is a nonprofit organization providing leadership and innovation in higher education access, verification, student loan repayment, default prevention and financial education.

Student Resources

Find tips to manage your finances and navigate your student loan journey.
Student ResourcesStudent Resources Mobile
  • The More You Know:
    Great Advice for Grad & Pro E-Guide
    Show Description
    Focusing on content that is tailor-made for post-graduates, The More You Know: Great Advice for Grad & Pro features content regarding student loans, managing debt, improving credit, and general finances crafted by expert money authors from NerdWallet and resources from AccessLex Institute.


    • Great Advice for Grads e-guide
      Show Description
      Featuring original content and tips from the best contributors across the Financial Aid and education industry, these smart, student-oriented articles are ideal to share with not only recent and upcoming graduates, but with all students as you advise them during their student career, and prepare them for life beyond campus.


      • Great Advice for Parents e-guide
        Show Description
        Produced in partnership with NerdWallet, Great Advice for Parents is a free e-guide that offers timely advice on what students and their families should know leading up to and during the college enrollment process. Experts who have “been there, done that” weigh in with strategies to ensure both teens and parents are ready for open conversations about all things finance, helping students and parents be financially prepared for college expenses.


        • Financial Education Literacy for Kids
          Show Description
          In an ideal world, financial education would start at home. Yet most parents express stress and fear even thinking about money conversations with their children. Featured author, blogger, and financial expert Rob Pivnick has shared his expertise on financial literacy education for youth in his highly praised new book. Preview chapter one, download his handy worksheets, and purchase the full book to get your children on track to a financially successful future.
          What All Kids (and Adults Too) Should Know About…Saving & Investing (book)


      • Federal Student Loan Overview
        Show Description
        Inceptia's FAQ website provides borrowers detailed information on all repayment plans, useful links and helpful tips.


      • Managing Your Federal Student Loans
        Show Description
        Investigate the various repayment options for federal student loans by checking out some of these useful resources that will help you access the best plan of action.


Should you discover that your federal student loan is delinquent, contact the Inceptia Outreach Team to visit with a trained counselor at 855.471.1615 to learn of repayment options to help you get back on-track.

Your Federal Student Loan Borrower Rights & Responsibilities

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Your Federal Student Loan Borrower Rights & Responsibilities
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What federal student loan borrowers need to know
  • You need to keep accurate records of your federal student loans.
  • Keep your copy of the signed Master Promissory Note.
  • Open, read and maintain any loan information you receive from your school or loan holder.
  • Don’t ignore your loan payments.
  • When having difficulty making your scheduled payments, contact your loan holder to discuss repayment options.
Your rights and responsibilities as a borrower

  • You must use your federal student loan for educational expenses only.
  • Your loan holder must give you details about your federal student loan before its disbursed and again when it’s time to start paying your federal student loan.
  • You must tell your loan holder any time you drop below half-time enrollment or change schools.
  • You must tell your loan holder if you change your name, address, phone number, social security number, references or driver’s license number.
  • Before you leave school, you need to tell your loan holder your permanent address, the name and address of your expected employer (if known), and the address of your nearest relative.
  • You must repay your federal student loan, plus interest, even if you did not finish your program, did not finish your program in the regular time allotted for program completion, you are unable to get a job after you finish, or if you are unhappy with or do not get the education or other services you purchased from the school.
  • Your loan holder may sell your federal student loan or use a servicer to manage your account. If the federal student loan is sold and the address where you send payments changes, you’ll be notified of the name, address and phone number of the new loan holder.
  • You are entitled to a deferment or forbearance of your federal student loan payments in certain situations. Contact your loan holder for the details.
  • You may prepay your federal student loan at any time without penalty.

Should you discover that your federal student loan is delinquent, contact the Inceptia Outreach Team to visit with a trained counselor at 855.471.1615 to learn of repayment options to help you get back on-track.

Teacher Loan Forgiveness

Student Loan
Teacher Loan Forgiveness
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Together with NSLP, we are your resource for Teacher Loan Forgiveness information. From frequently asked questions to the appropriate form, we’re here to help you. For more information, please see below or click here.

Q. What is Teacher Loan Forgiveness?
A. It is a federal student loan forgiveness program, designed for eligible teachers teaching in elementary and secondary schools to forgive all or a portion of the outstanding principal and interest on federal Stafford loans, or on consolidated loans that hold federal Stafford loans.

Q. How do I know if I am eligible for this program?
A. Please download a copy of NSLP’s Teacher Loan Forgiveness: Guide to the Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program handout. This handout will outline the general eligibility criteria and the specific criteria for both the $5,000 and $17,500 levels of forgiveness.

Q. How do I get a Teacher Loan Forgiveness application?
A. You may contact your loan holder for an application or you may download a copy here.

Q. To whom do I send the application?
A. You will send your application to your loan holder. If you are unsure who holds your loan, you can find your loan information on the Federal Student Aid site. You will need your FSA ID to access in order to access this information. If you do not have an FSA ID, you can create one here.

Q. How long does it take to process the application?
A. The loan holder is allowed 60 days from the day it receives your completed application to process it and forward it to the guarantor. The guarantor then has an additional 45 days to either approve or deny the request.

Q. If I have more than one lender, can I send applications to all my lenders?
A. Yes, you may send an application to each of your lenders. The guarantors and lenders typically coordinate the payments so that no borrower is paid more Teacher Loan Forgiveness benefits than he or she is eligible to receive.

Q. Does my school qualify under Teacher Loan Forgiveness?
A. To see if your school qualifies under the Teacher Loan Forgiveness, please go to:

Q. What do I do if my school is Title I, but is not listed in the Annual Directory of Designated Low-Income Schools for Teacher Cancellation Benefits?
A. Your school would need to contact the agency in your state that reports this information to the federal government. If your school is eligible to be in the low-income school directory, you may reapply for Teacher Loan Forgiveness benefits once the school appears on the appropriate low-income list.

Should you discover that your federal student loan is delinquent, contact the Inceptia Outreach Team to visit with a trained counselor at 855.471.1615 to learn of repayment options to help you get back on-track.

Student Loan Resources and Forms for Borrowers

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Student Loan Resources and Forms for Borrowers
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Forms that can help you manage your federal debt are just a click away. Typically, these forms require Adobe Acrobat. You can download it for free by clicking here. Upon completing your request, return your form to your lender/servicer.


Cancer Treatment Deferment Request
Economic Hardship Deferment Request
Graduate Fellowship Deferment Request
In-School Deferment Request
Military Service Deferment
Parent PLUS Borrower Deferment Request
Rehabilitation Training Deferment Request
Temporary Total Disability Deferment Request
Unemployment Deferment Request

General Forbearance Request Form
Mandatory Forbearance Request Form
Loan Discharge/Cancellation

Loan Discharge Application: False Certification (Disqualifying Status)
Loan Discharge Application: False Certification of Ability to Benefit
Loan Discharge Application: False Certification Unauthorized Signature/Unauthorized Payment
Loan Discharge Application: School Closure
Loan Discharge Application: Spouses and Parents of September 11, 2001 Victims
Loan Discharge Application: Unpaid Refund
Loan Discharge Application: Total and Permanent Disability

Teacher Loan Forgiveness

Teacher Loan Forgiveness Application
Teacher Loan Forgiveness Forbearance Form


Solicitud de Aplazamiento de Pago: Dificultades Económicas
Solicitud de Aplazamiento de Pago Para Prestatario Plus y Padre o Madre
Solicitud de Aplazamiento de Pago: Desempleo
Solicitud de Aplazamiento de Pago: Estudios
Solicitud de Aplazamiento de Pago: Por Incapacidad Total Temporal
Solicitud de Aplazamiento de Pago del Programa de Rehabilitación y Capacitación
Solicitud de Aplazamiento de Pago Para Becas de Investigación de Posgrado
Solicitud de Suspensión Temporal de Cobro General


For additional forms to manage your Federal Direct Student Loans, visit

Should you discover that your federal student loan is delinquent, contact the Inceptia Outreach Team to visit with a trained counselor at 855.471.1615 to learn of repayment options to help you get back on-track.

Returning to School

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Returning to School
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Congratulations on your decision to return to school! If you are enrolled at least half-time, you may be able to have your current federal student loan payment suspended while you’re in school. Be sure to contact your loan holder to let them know you are returning to school.

For information about your current federal student loans, you may access the Department of Education’s Federal Student Aid site, or call 800.4.FED.AID (800.433.3243).

Should you discover that your federal student loan is delinquent, contact the Inceptia Outreach Team to visit with a trained counselor at 855.471.1615 to learn of repayment options to help you get back on-track.

Public Service Loan Forgiveness

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Public Service Loan Forgiveness
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To qualify for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) you must make 120 qualifying payments while meeting the following three requirements.

  1. Only payments made on Federal Direct Loans, including Direct Loan consolidations, can be eligible.
    • You would need to consolidate your federal loans to the DL program to start working towards eligibility.
    • During consolidation, you’ll be asked to select a servicer. FedLoan Servicing is the servicer that manages the PSLF program.
  2. Choose from the eligible repayment plans:
    • Income Based Repayment (IBR), Pay As You Earn, Income Contingent Repayment (ICR) or 10-yr Standard plan
    • You would need to select one of these qualifying plans to start working towards eligibility.
  3. You must be working in a full-time Public Service job at the time of those 120 monthly payments (10 years).
    • The years of employment do not need to be consecutive or with the same employer.
    • After your consolidation is approved, you can send an employment certification form to confirm that you employment arrangement is qualifying. A new form should be sent anytime you change employers.

The application for forgiveness can be completed after making the 120 total qualifying payments. However, you should complete employment certification forms annually to track your employment eligibility. No matter which servicer your loans are with, you will send the employment certification form to:

FedLoan Servicing
Attn: Loan Forgiveness
P.O. Box 69184
Harrisburg, PA 17106-9184
Fax: (717) 720-1628

If you need help completing the form, call: 855.265.4038. Visit the Department of Education's website for additional information on Public Service Loan Forgiveness.

Should you discover that your federal student loan is delinquent, contact the Inceptia Outreach Team to visit with a trained counselor at 855.471.1615 to learn of repayment options to help you get back on-track.


Student Loan
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What is an Ombudsman?

An Ombudsman is a neutral, impartial, party who will attempt to help you resolve your federal student loan dispute without “taking sides.” The Ombudsman should be contacted only when you have exhausted all other avenues and have been unsuccessful in resolving the issue.

Before you contact the Student Loan Ombudsman
  • You must try to resolve your federal student loan issue with your school or loan holder. Make sure to document your attempts to resolve the issue with your school or loan holder.
  • Get a copy of your Federal Student Aid report so that you fully understand what federal student loan debt you have. To get those records, go to and log in. You will need an FSA ID to access your federal student loans. If you do not have an FSA ID, you can create one here.
To contact the Federal Student Aid Ombudsman
Should you discover that your federal student loan is delinquent, contact the Inceptia Outreach Team to visit with a trained counselor at 855.471.1615 to learn of repayment options to help you get back on-track.


Student Loan
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When logging into certain Department of Education’s (ED) websites you may have previously used a PIN number to access personal information. Starting May 2015, a security update was made to require students, parents and borrowers to use an FSA ID to access financial aid information. An FSA ID is a username and password that identifies you as someone who has the right to access personal information on ED websites. The FSA ID will replace the prior PIN system of identification.

Learn more about the FSA ID on the Department of Education's website or create your FSA ID now.

Should you discover that your federal student loan is delinquent, contact the Inceptia Outreach Team to visit with a trained counselor at 855.471.1615 to learn of repayment options to help you get back on-track.

Federal Student Loan Repayment Program for Federal Employees

Student Loan
Federal Student Loan Repayment Program for Federal Employees
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The federal student loan repayment program permits federal agencies to repay federal student loans as a recruitment or retention incentive for candidates or current employees of that agency. For more information, visit the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s website.

Should you discover that your federal student loan is delinquent, contact the Inceptia Outreach Team to visit with a trained counselor at 855.471.1615 to learn of repayment options to help you get back on-track.